This Weather Is Helpful Or Harmful For Rabi Crops Know In Details

This Weather Is Helpful Or Harmful For Rabi Crops Know In Details

Rabi crops are cultivated in the winter season. Generally a temperature between 15 to 25 degrees is considered good for this crop. At this time, the moisture present in the ground is essential for these crops. Let us know how beneficial and harmful the current weather is for the Rabi crop.

Winter is expected to have a positive impact on Rabi crops. According to experts, this season can prove beneficial for the wheat crop. In this season, wheat plants form abundant buds. This is the appropriate time for sowing in the fields. In this season, essential nutrients are present for the growth of plants. If there is too much rain, crops may get damaged. If the temperature is high, crops may face drought.

What is the impact of rain?

According to experts, rain is necessary for Rabi crops. This maintains moisture in the fields, which is necessary for the growth of plants. Due to rain, nutrients also dissolve in the soil, which are available to the plants. If there is excessive rain, crops may also get damaged. Excessive rain can cause waterlogging in the fields, due to which the roots of the plants can rot and the crop can be ruined.

If the temperature is high, crops may face drought. Due to high temperature, the growth of plants may stop and there may be a decrease in yield. In Rabi season, crops benefit when both temperature and moisture are right. But if there is excessive rain, crops may be damaged.

Also read- If crops get damaged due to extreme cold, will we get money from crop insurance?

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